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- Ordinances & Facilities Committee Meeting
125 N. Idaho St. City of Dillon, Montana ORDINANCES & FACILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING ~ Agenda ~ March 20th, 2025 4:00 PM 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Review Title 10, Chapter 10.80 3. Review/Recommend Electronic Participation 4. Discuss Allowing Hen Turkeys in City Limits 5. Public Comment On Items Of Significant Public Interest Not On The Agenda And Within The Jurisdiction Of The City 6. Adjourn Committee Members: Bill Shafer, Chair Joleen Schultz Mary Jo O’Rourke
- Montana Technological University Invites K-12 Educators To Petroleum Resources Workshop
Joe Yakawich (Environmental Engineering, ’87), a 30-year U.S. military veteran, began his career after commissioning as an officer through Montana Tech’s Army ROTC program. While commanding the University of Montana’s Army ROTC program, he noticed that a significant number of students were struggling to find direction and purpose in their education. “Interviewing students as they entered their senior year, every year it was 80% of the students who did not know what they wanted to do when they graduated, and I thought that's a tragedy,” Yakawich said. Now, as an engineering teacher at Sentinel High School in Missoula, he’s doing something to make sure students realize their potential. “I kind of went on the warpath,” Yakawich said. “My goal is that before a senior from this school crosses the graduation stage, they're exposed to 60 different engineering fields to help inform their decision-making.” Yakawich is introducing a new, more in-depth module this year on petroleum engineering, after attending the free Montana Petroleum Resources Workshop led by Montana Tech’s Petroleum Engineering Department faculty. The program is sponsored by Hess Corporation, and allows K-12 teachers and high school counselors to learn about the petroleum industry and its impact on their local community. Participating teachers receive 31 License Renewal Units or two graduate college credits from Montana State University-Billings. “It’s a weeklong course for Montana K-12 school teachers,” Petroleum Engineering Department Head Todd Hoffman said. “It’s mostly math and science teachers, but anyone can come. We teach them about the oil and gas industry, and provide hands-on lessons and fun experiments they can take back to their classroom.” The program includes presentations about the petroleum industry, including leasing land, regulations, exploration, geology, drilling and production basics. In addition, topics on the future energy supply, sustainability, and climate change are discussed. Potential solutions to climate change, such as CO2 sequestration, are also covered. Besides the classroom content, the program includes three field trips to oilfield operations to see how petroleum is produced and refined. The highlight of the course is the hands-on activities and experiments demonstrating different aspects of the oil and gas industry. Yakawich called the experience enlightening. In addition to learning about how petroleum was extracted, the different products that are produced, and the engineering utilized in the production and refining processes, the field experiences gave excellent illustrations to what the industry is actually like. “I'm super glad I did this workshop,” Yakawich said. “Really learning about this industry is something that can't be done just sitting in a classroom. Part of it can, but there really isn’t any substitute for getting out into the field, physically seeing some of these production fields — most of which look like pristine farmland— talking to some of the folks that are running them, and realizing where they are in our community. You know, Montana's a big oil and gas producer, but I didn’t know that.” Yakawich says the experience could be valuable to other teachers. “You’re not going to be able to teach kids this stuff if you don't actually experience something like this,” Yakawich said. Ultimately, Yakawich wants students to understand where energy comes from, what direction the industry is going in, and about the career potential in the industry. “Energy is the foundation of our quality of life,” Yakawich said. “We need to have a robust portfolio of energy resources that is ultimately all renewable, but we are not there yet. In the meantime, the reality is, it's going to be many years before we develop an affordable and reliable renewable resource that's going to keep us warm in this below-zero weather that we live in for a chunk of the year. We need these fossil fuels to provide that high energy heat that we need, not only to be comfortable, but to, you know, to work and live. It’s important for everyone, especially young students,to understand that.” In the end, Yakawich believes he’s now better able to teach his students. “It's important for this generation of students to understand since they're the ones, in five to 10 years that are hopefully going to be out there continuing to find, extract, and refine these resources for the world,” Yakawich said. “I believe that as educators, it is our duty to prepare these students to be both realistic and critical thinkers in regards to our energy needs. If we don't do it, we're going to end up with a generation neither curious nor interested in any of this engineering, and that's just going to exacerbate the problem.” This year’s Petroleum Resources Workshop will be held in Billings June 9-13. For questions about the Workshop or registration, contact Lana Petersen at 406-782-2342 or ljpet@hotmail.com . The program brochure can be found here.
- Montana Western Announces Dr. Jane Helm Maddock Service Award Winners
The University of Montana Western is proud to announce that John and Phyllis Erb, Barb Malesich, and Shane Puyear have been selected as recipients of the 2025 Dr. Jane Helm Maddock Service Award for their remarkable contributions to UMW and the Dillon community. They will be honored during an awards dinner and ceremony on Wednesday, April 9, 2025, in the Lewis and Clark Room of Mathews Hall at the University of Montana Western. The Dr. Jane Helm Maddock Service Award honors Dr. Jane Helm Maddock, who served as a professor of English at UMW for 18 years. Upon her retirement, she was named Professor Emeritus of English by the Montana University System Board of Regents. During her tenure at UMW, she established both the Helm Honors Scholarship and the Helm Memorial Scholarship in memory of her parents. The service award named in her honor recognizes individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to both the university and the Dillon community. Montana Western will also recognize five outstanding students for their service and civic engagement: Kaylee Fritz – Montana Athletes in Service Award Emmett Jeschke – George M. Dennison Civic Engagement Award Raina Mortensen, Abigail McClaflin, and Katherine Bills – Dr. Jane Helm Maddock Student Service Award The awards dinner and recognition ceremony will begin with a social at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:00 p.m., on Wednesday, April 9, 2025, in the Lewis and Clark Room of Mathews Hall at the University of Montana Western. Tickets for the Dr. Jane Helm Maddock Service Awards Dinner can be purchased by contacting Kelly Allen at the UMW Foundation Office at 406-683-7306 by April 3, 2025. Tickets are priced at $30 per person. John and Phyllis Erb John and Phyllis Erb have made a significant impact on the Dillon community and the University of Montana Western. Their generosity and dedication to service have touched the lives of students, families, and community members in ways that will last for years to come. The Erbs were instrumental in the success of the $16 million Experience One Campaign, the largest fundraising effort in Montana Western’s history. Their support played a key role in bringing the Sports & Activities Complex to fruition. Without their generous gift of land, an on-campus stadium would not have become a reality. Additionally, John and Phyllis have been steady supporters of UMW students through academic scholarships and program support. Beyond the university, the Erbs have made a lasting impact as longtime ranchers in Beaverhead County. They have supported local public spaces, funded recreational opportunities for families, and worked to improve the overall quality of life in the community. Their contributions reflect their deep care and commitment to Dillon and its residents. Their ongoing dedication to service and their generous spirit make them exceptional recipients of the Dr. Jane Helm Maddock Service Award. John and Phyllis truly embody the kindness, generosity, and community spirit that this award honors. Barb Malesich Barb Malesich grew up on a farm and ranch along the Smith River as the youngest of five children. She developed a strong work ethic and a deep appreciation for agriculture through her 10 years as a 4-H member. After graduating from Cascade High School in 1972, she attended Montana State University for two years before working at the American Simmental Association headquarters in Bozeman. While at MSU, she met her husband, Ed, and they married in 1977. Barb returned to the family ranch, where she has been ever since, helping with daily operations and preparing meals for the crew during branding and calving seasons. In addition to her work on the ranch, Barb dedicated 20 years to the Dillon elementary school hot lunch program, serving as head baker before retiring in 2011. A dedicated community member, she has served as a 4-H leader and helped organize Range Days. She also spent years teaching Sunday school. Barb is an active member and past president of Chapter AD PEO, a philanthropic educational organization that supports women’s education worldwide. Her chapter provides scholarships to University of Montana Western students in need, and Barb has served on the fundraising committee for many years. She also plays a key role in the First Presbyterian Pastoral Care Team, visiting residents at the BeeHive assisted living facility and offering church services and communion. Additionally, she regularly visits elderly and homebound church members, bringing them comfort and companionship. For the past nine years, Barb has helped organize and set up the Montana Western Rodeo Team’s silent auction, a major fundraising event that supports student-athletes. She looks forward to continuing her involvement again this year. Barb and Ed have two children, Kolby and Kapri, and five grandchildren. She treasures time spent with her family, whether playing cards, camping, or traveling. She and Ed also enjoy camping and traveling the world. Barb’s dedication to her community, education, and agriculture is truly inspiring, and her impact continues to be felt by many. Shane Puyear Born and raised in Dillon, Montana, Shane Puyear is a proud graduate of the University of Montana Western and a dedicated member of the community. His banking career began 25 years ago in Tualatin, Oregon, and over the years, he explored various professional opportunities in multiple states before ultimately returning to his hometown. Fourteen years ago, Shane joined Stockman Bank in Dillon, where he continues to serve and support local businesses and residents. Beyond his professional career, Shane is deeply committed to public service and community involvement. He currently serves as the Vice Commander for Beaverhead Search and Rescue, playing a critical role in emergency response efforts. Additionally, he is the Vice President of the Board of Directors for Barrett Hospital & Healthcare and a dedicated member of the Barrett Hospital Foundation. His past service also includes time as a board member for the Southwestern Montana Family YMCA. Shane is a proud supporter of Montana Western ranging from athletics to academic programs. Through his employer, he started supporting the Montana Western Education Hall of Fame event many years ago because he has seen the impact of teachers first hand. Shane and his wife, Lacie, have built a strong foundation in the Dillon community, raising their two sons, Parker and Paxton. Parker is currently a sophomore at Carroll College, while Paxton is a sophomore at Beaverhead County High School. Shane’s leadership, commitment to service, and dedication to his hometown exemplify the spirit of the Dr. Jane Helm Maddock Service Award. His contributions continue to make a lasting impact on Montana Western and the greater Dillon community.
- City Council Meeting
125 N. Idaho St. City of Dillon, Montana City Council Chambers March 19th, 2025 6:45 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING on the Subdivision of a Parcel of Land in SE1/SE1/4 of Section 13 and the NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 24, T7S, R9W, P.M.M. 7:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA B. MINUTES 1. Approve Minutes of March 5th, 2025 Regular Meeting 2. Approve Minutes of March 14th, 2025 Special Meeting C. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS D. MAYOR’S REPORT 1. Approve Manion Engineering Contract E. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND BOARDS OF THE CITY 1. Planning Board - Bill Shafer, Raymond Graham 2. Zoning Commission - Russ Schwandt, Anneliese Ripley a. Accept February 25th, 2025 Regular Meeting Minutes 1. Set Public Hearing Date for CUP-001 3. Board of Adjustments - Diane Armstrong, Joleen Schultz 4. Director of Operations – Kristina Abbey 5. Police Department – Police Chief Jeremy Alvarez a. Accept Report for February 2025 6. Fire Department -- Fire Chief BJ Klose a. Accept February, 2025 Activity Report b. Approve City Clerk Report for Fire Hall for February, 2025 c. Approve Budget vs. Expenditures Report for Fire Hall for February, 2025 7. City Court – Judge Bill Knox a. Accept Court Report for February, 2025 8. Treasurer – Karen Kipp 9. Library Board - Diane Armstrong, Council Member; (Vacant), Library Director 10. Tree Board – Mary Jo O’Rourke, Council Member F. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Ordinances & Facilities – Bill Shafer, Chair; Joleen Schultz, Mary Jo O’Rourke 2. Finance Committee – Russ Schwandt, Chair; Diane Armstrong, Mary Jo O’Rourke 3. Public Services – Diane Armstrong, Chair; Bill Shafer, Don Deem 4. Open Spaces – Raymond Graham, Chair; Anneliese Ripley, Joleen Schultz 5. Public Works – Russ Schwandt, Chair; Anneliese Ripley, Raymond Graham a. Approve the Minutes of March 12, 2025 Regular Meeting 1. Approve Resolution of Intent #1479 – Vacate Certain Streets of West Side Addition 2. Approve Resolution of Intent #1480 – Accept Franklin Street of West Side Addition G. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS OF SIGNIFICANT PUBLIC INTEREST NOT ON THE AGENDA AND WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE CITY H. ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: The City of Dillon understands that citizens have the right under the Montana Constitution to observe and participate in local governmental affairs by personally attending all public meetings of the Dillon City Council and other City boards and committees. This meeting is open to the public as normal. Join the meeting with Zoom ID: 770-316-6528, allowing permission for microphone and camera (if using a computer go to https://zoom.us/j/7703166528 ) and use Passcode 4245. Please mute your microphone until you desire to comment. Any problems or questions, call City Hall at 683-4245.
- Board Of Adjustments Meeting
125 N. Idaho St. City of Dillon, Montana BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS March 20th, 2025 City Council Chambers 7:00 P.M. AGENDA 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Approval of Minutes from the February 13th, 2025 Meeting 3. Review/Approve Dave Miller Variance Request 4. Introduction to Variance Request 2025-008 a. Set Public Hearing Date 5. Public Comment on Items of Significant Public Interest Not on the Agenda and Within the Jurisdiction of the Board of Adjustments. 6. Adjourn Members: Tim Stoker, Joleen Schultz, Diane Armstrong, Mike Watson, Stephen Sievert
- Dillon Volunteer Fire Report For February
DVFD responded to 5 calls for service during the month of February 2025. 02-07 I-15 MM 79 MVA 02-08 S Rife St CO Alarm 02-11 I-15 MM 40 LE Assist 02-22 Hwy41 & Stonecreek MVA 02-25 I-15 MM 49 MVA DVFD February training was First Aid/CPR recertification as well as Narcan recertification. We had partners from Grasshopper VFD join for these classes, it’s been great building our relationships with our partnering agencies. Our Firefighter One cadets are have finished their bookwork & are starting their evolutions. Our annual DVFD Banquet & awards ceremony was on Valentines day, with our guest speaker Jeremy Craft, who is a Dillon native who is now the Fire Chief in Lehi UT. The Rookie of the year was Talon Herbert, Firefighter of the year was Ryan Bolduc and the Officer of the year was Nick Hoem. Thanks to all of our firefighters & officers for their continued dedication to the City of Dillon & Beaverhead Fire District #2 Thank you for your continued support of the Dillon Volunteer Fire Department. Please be safe & take extra time while traveling this time of year as the road conditions can become dangerous without warning.
- UMW And MCH Host 2025 Colt Challenge & Sale
The Annual Colt Challenge and Sale, hosted by the University of Montana Western and the Montana Center for Horsemanship, will take place March 28 and 29, 2025, at the Montana Center for Horsemanship in Dillon, Montana. Students and colts compete in a series of events that demonstrate their wide range of abilities on the first day, and the following day, a public auction features the colts for sale, with all proceeds reinvested in the program to provide scholarships to Natural Horsemanship majors at the University of Montana Western. This year we will also host our inaugural Alumni Horse Sale where past colt sale students will have the opportunity to showcase their horsemanship skills and their post-graduation accomplishments. There will be six alumni horses ranging from 3-11 years old. We are thrilled to showcase older horses and give buyers an opportunity to purchase horses with extra real-world experience. Schedule of Events:Friday, March 28 Colt Challenge: 9:00 a.m. Saturday, March 30 Preview: 10:00 a.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. Sale: 1:00 p.m. Each colt receives approximately 90 days of Natural Horsemanship training from equine students in the Natural Horsemanship/Equine Studies Bachelor of Science Degree program at Montana Western, under the guidance and leadership of the MCH Natural Horsemanship instructors . This year’s event will showcase 18 quality colts donated by some of the finest ranches in the region. The young horses are familiarized with all settings inside and out. They are also exposed to a variety of situations including working with cattle and ropes, loading and unloading from trailers, and many other scenarios a horse and rider might encounter in ranch-work or recreational riding. Simultaneously, both students and instructors develop an in-depth feel for each horse, enabling them to accurately convey this knowledge to potential buyers. The horses and students are featured on Facebook leading up to the main event with information about the colts including their color, conformation, personalities, and skills. More information about the 2025 Colt Challenge and Sale, including the sale catalog , is available on the University of Montana Western website . Those interested in attending the auction can do so in person, online, or by phone . To bid online, participants must pre-register at least one day prior to the sale. To pre-register, please visit bid.northernlivestockvideo.com and click “Get Approved to Bid.” Participants can then bid online via desktop by visiting www.northernlivestockvideo.com the day of the sale or by downloading the Northern Livestock Auction mobile app. To bid by phone, pre-register by calling Northern Livestock Video Auction at 866-616-5035 before the sale day to obtain a bid number. Bidders can then phone in the day of the sale by calling 406-245-0889. The sale order will be posted on Friday, March 28 by 5:00 p.m. on the Montana Western Colt Challenge and Sale website and Facebook page. The Annual Colt Challenge and Sale corporate sponsors include CHS Inc., New Generation Supplements, Rocky Mountain Supply, and Zinpro Performance Minerals in partnership with the University of Montana Western and the Montana Center for Horsemanship. Saturday’s complimentary lunch is sponsored by Beaverhead Motors and Bryan and Marcia Mussard of Reminisce Angus. Thank you to Stockman Bank for sponsoring this year’s saddle for the Colt Challenge winner. We wish to thank our sponsors for their generous support of the event and the students in the program. The Equine Studies Department at the University of Montana Western offers the nation’s only Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Horsemanship with options in management, psychology, science and instruction, and was ranked among the “Best Equestrian Colleges” by ThoughtCo.com . The Montana Center for Horsemanship is the first and only equine center in the United States that is devoted expressly to promoting natural horsemanship. With its stables, arenas, riding areas, and instructors, the center serves as the primary facility and progressive teaching resource for Montana Western’s Natural Horsemanship BS curriculum. The MCH teaches the ‘La Cense Method,’ which was developed under William Kriegel, owner of Haras de la Cense in France. Mr. Kriegel is also co-founder of MCH, and he has been involved in Natural Horsemanship for many years. The La Cense Method is a progressive, step-by-step process that blends the best of traditional horsemanship training with the art of training and riding horses—all in a manner that works with a horse’s behavior, instincts, and personality. Taking a positive and respectful approach, the La Cense Method gradually builds trust, and frees the horses to be confident in all they are asked to perform. For more information about the Colt Challenge and Sale, please contact Head Natural Horsemanship Instructor, Eric Hoffmann: eric.hoffmann@umwestern.edu or 406-925-1499.
- Beaverhead Fire District Meeting Notice
BEAVERHEAD FIRE DIST. #2 405 N. IDAHO STREET DILLON, MT MEETING NOTICE TUESDAY March 18, 2025 5:00 PM AGENDA: I. Call to order II. Approval of Minutes from 02-18-2025 meeting Public Comment III. Approval of Warrants Public Comment IV. Old Business Public Comment V. New Business Public Comment VI. Chiefs Report Public Comment VII. Public comment on subjects under the jurisdiction of Beaverhead Fire District #2 that is not on the agenda. VIII. Adjournment
- Helena To Host State NASP Archery Tournament For Montana Students
HELENA – Nearly 400 students will compete in the state archery tournament at the Lewis and Clark County Fairgrounds in Helena, March 18 and 19. The students represent more than 20 elementary, middle and high schools from around the state. The tournament, which is hosted by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, is part of the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP). The competitors are only a fraction of the 10,000 Montana students in grades 4 through 12 who participated in Montana’s Archery in the Schools Program last year. “NASP has spread to all corners of Montana,” said Ryan Schmaltz, FWP’s NASP coordinator. “It’s a great way for schools that are so different to come together and connect on the outdoors and Montana’s fish and wildlife.” NASP offers safe, in-school archery curriculum and provides benefits such as improving student focus and academic discipline, building self-confidence and increasing the likelihood that students pursue archery and other similar sports as adults. “When teachers help kids shoot straight in this sport, they are helping them shoot straight in other areas of their lives, too,” Schmaltz said. FWP provides basic archery instructor trainings and cost-shares for equipment for teachers interested in starting NASP at their schools. To learn more about starting, or joining, NASP at your school, contact Schmaltz at 406-444-9946 or RSchmaltz@mt.gov
- Special Zoning Commission Meeting
125 N. Idaho St. City of Dillon, Montana Tuesday March 18th, 2025 City Council Chambers 6:30 P.M. Public Hearing – Brundage Zoning Request 6:45 P.M. Public Hearing – Chapter 17.104 Proposed Changes ZONING COMMISSION 7:00 P.M. Special Meeting Agenda a. Call To Order *Public Comment will be taken after discussion of b by the Zoning Commission; followed by final discussion by the zoning commission; and final vote by the commission if necessary. b. Applications for Zoning Compliance Certificates for Review: 2025-008 Barrett Hospital 600 Highway 91S Work Camp c. Public Comment on Items of Significant Public Interest Not on the Agenda and Within the Jurisdiction of the Zoning Commission. d. Adjournment PLEASE NOTE : A Zoom link is available. Join the meeting with Zoom ID: 770-316-6528, allowing permission for mic and camera (if using a computer go to https://zoom.us/j/7703166528 ) and use Passcode 4245 . Zoning Commission Members: Justin Rooley, Anneliese Ripley, Russ Schwandt, Mike Watson NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment on a proposed change in the OFFICIAL ZONING MAP on a property located in the SE¼SE¼ of Section 13 and in the NE¼NE¼ of Section 24, T7S, R9W, P.M.M., City of Dillon, Beaverhead County, Montana from Un-Zoned to R-2; Residential, Medium Density zone. This property is owned by Brundage IFP RE, LLC and is currently known as 406 West Reeder Street. The City of Dillon Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 18th, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 125 N. Idaho Street, Dillon, Montana, for the purpose of taking public comment on proposed zoning map changes on property owned by Brundage. A copy of the current zoning map is on file for public inspection at City Hall, 125 N. Idaho Street, Dillon, Montana. Any person may appear at the public hearing or submit written comments prior to or during the public hearing relating to the proposed application. For further information regarding the hearing contact Kristina Abbey, Director of Operations, at City Hall, 125 N. Idaho Street, Dillon, Montana, or by telephone at (406) 683-4245. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Dillon Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday March 18th, 2025 at 6:45 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 125 North Idaho Street, Dillon, Montana, to take public comment for the updating/additions of Chapter 17.104 (Administration, Fees and Penalties) of the Dillon Municipal Code in regards to Authority and Enforcement. Copies of the updates/additions of Chapter 17.104 are available at City Hall. Any person may appear at the public hearing or submit written comments prior to or during the public hearing relating to the proposed project. Written comments can be mailed to the City of Dillon, 125 North Idaho, Dillon, Montana 59725. If you have any questions please contact Kristina Abbey at the City of Dillon Offices at 683-4245.
- Spring Sustainability Ranching Workshop And Field Trip To Be Held March 25 & 26
Ranchers, land managers, and community members are invited to attend “Increasing Ranch Profitability”, a two-day workshop and field trip focused on sustainable ranching in Southwest Montana. The event will take place March 25 and 26 at the Beaverhead County 4-H Building in Dillon, Montana. Hosted by the University of Montana Western, Montana State University Extension , Southwest Montana Sagebrush Partnership , Montana Rangeland Resources Committee , Beaverhead Conservation District , and The Nature Conservancy , the event will feature expert speakers, discussions on regenerative agriculture, and a hands-on field trip. March 25 – Workshop (8:30 AM – 5:00 PM) The workshop will explore strategies to improve ranch profitability and sustainability through grazing management, soil health, and market opportunities. Sessions include: 8:30 – 9:00 AM | Welcome & Sustainable Grazing Project Update 9:00 – 12:00 PM | Expert speakers, including Dr. Fred Provenza, Dr. Jeff Mosley, and Donnie Engelhardt, will discuss reducing costs and increasing vegetative production and nutrition. 12:00 – 1:00 PM | Lunch Provided (Taco Bar) 1:00 – 5:00 PM | Sessions on carbon markets, enhancing ecosystem services through ranch success, and regenerative agriculture, featuring Kris Hulvey (Working Lands Conservation), Lora Soderquist (Impact Ag Partners), and Ford Smith (Kateri Carbon). March 26 – Field Trip (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM) Visit Open A Ranch north of Dillon Learn about winter grazing, soil health, cost savings, production increase and other benefits from Race King and Rob Van Deren. Carpooling available from the fairgrounds Registration for this event is free and can be completed online or by contacting Pat Fosse at 406-660-2386.
- Public Services Committee Meeting
125 N. Idaho St. City of Dillon, Montana 59725 PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING City Hall Council Chambers March 17th, 2025 9:00 AM AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Discuss/Recommend Patrol Car Purchase 3. Poindexter Street Safety Issues 4. Patrol Car Initiative Update 5. Public Comment on Items of Significant Public Interest Not on the Agenda and Within the Jurisdiction of the City. 6. Adjournment Committee Members: Diane Armstrong, Chair, Bill Shafer Don Deem
- Special Meeting Of The City Council
125 N. Idaho St. City of Dillon, Montana City Council Chambers March 14, 2025 12:01 P.M. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A . DISCUSS/APPROVE PAYMENT FOR WESTSIDE STREET IMPROVEMENTS a. Decision to Close Meeting to the Public, per Section 2-3-203(3), MCA B. RECONVENE IN OPEN MEETING C. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS OF SIGNIFICANT PUBLIC INTEREST NOT ON THE AGENDA AND WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE CITY C. ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: The City of Dillon understands that citizens have the right under the Montana Constitution to observe and participate in local governmental affairs by personally attending all public meetings of the Dillon City Council and other City boards and committees. This meeting is open to the public as normal. Join the meeting with Zoom ID: 770-316-6528, allowing permission for microphone and camera (if using a computer go to https://zoom.us/j/7703166528 ) and use Passcode 4245. Please mute your microphone until you desire to comment. Any problems or questions, call City Hall at 683-4245.
- O. Alan Weltzien Returns for UMW Writers Series
The University of Montana Western English Department invites the community to the next event in the O. Alan Weltzien Writers Series on Thursday, March 27, at 7:00 p.m. in the Bulldog Lounge of the Student Union Building. UMW Professor Emeritus O. Alan Weltzien will share readings and discussions from his latest works, “The Taylor Triptych” and “Into the Khumbu". The O. Alan Weltzien Writers Series is a literary event that brings authors, poets, and writers to campus for readings and discussions. Named after Weltzien, a longtime professor and writer, the series highlights both emerging and established authors, often with a focus on literature connected to Montana and the West. Weltzien, Professor of English Emeritus, taught full-time for 40 years, including 29 years at Montana Western. A prolific writer, he has published eleven books and five chapbooks spanning memoir, poetry, and literary studies. His notable works include “A Father and an Island” (Lewis-Clark Press, 2008) and “On the Beach: Poems 2016 – 2021” (Cirque Press, 2022). When he is not writing, Weltzien enjoys traveling with his wife and hiking and skiing in the mountains of Southwest Montana. For this event, Weltzien returns to share readings and discussions from his latest works, “The Taylor Triptych” and “Into the Khumbu.” “The Taylor Triptych” (The Sea Letter journal, Fall/Winter 2024) – This prose chapbook explores Weltzien’s family history, focusing on a great-grandfather, great-uncle, and grandmother. Through imaginative narratives, he delves into their unique identities—including an astrologer and a vaudeville advance man—while reflecting on how their stories intertwine with his own life. “Into the Khumbu” (Cirque Press, 2025) – This poetry collection documents Weltzien’s trek through Nepal’s Khumbu region, home to Mount Everest. Through spare, evocative poems, he captures the challenges and beauty of the high-altitude landscape, depicting scenes of slate roofs, prayer flags, and the spirituality of the Himalayas. This event is free and open to the public, and books will be available for purchase. For more information, please contact UMW Associate Professor of English, Laura Wright, at laura.wright@umwestern.edu .
- Public Works Committee Meeting
125 N. Idaho St. City of Dillon, Montana PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING ~ AGENDA ~ March 12, 2025 4:00 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Discuss/Recommend Street Improvements Requested by UMW 3. Discuss/Recommend Street Abandonment – Timmons, Franklin 4. Discuss/Recommend Street Acceptance – Franklin, North 5. Discuss Water/Sewer/Street Fees 6. Public Comment on Items Not on Agenda but Within The Jurisdiction of The City 7. Adjournment Committee Members Russ Schwandt, Chair Anneliese Ripley Raymond Graham .
- Celebrate Pi Day With Pie At The Dillon Public Library
DILLON, MT – Mark your calendars for March 14, as it’s Pi Day ! Join us at the Dillon Public Library to indulge in a slice of delicious pie or even take home a whole pie. In celebration of this fun mathematical holiday, the library is hosting a delightful fundraiser where community members can support their local library while satisfying their sweet tooth. Be sure to stop by, grab yourself a slice of pie, and help contribute to this tasty fundraiser! Your participation will not only satisfy your cravings but also support the library's programs and initiatives. Don’t miss out on this sweet opportunity to celebrate Pi Day!
- Rural Science Fair Showcases Young Talent At Keltz Arena
DILLON, MT – On Friday, March 7th, students from rural schools gathered at the Keltz Arena at the University of Montana Western to participate in the annual Rural Science Fair .
- Zoning Commission Meeting
125 N. Idaho St. City of Dillon, Montana Tuesday, March 10th, 2025 at 7:00 P.M. ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Agenda 1. Call To Order 2. Review and Approval of Minutes a. February 25th, 2025 Regular Meeting Minutes 3. Director of Operations Report 4. Applications for Zoning Compliance Certificates for Review: 2025-005 42 Thomas Drive Benson L&L Single-Family Residence 2025-006 316 S Railroad Mitchell Single-Family Residence 2025-007 69 Thomas Drive Wall Single-Family Residence 5. Public Comment on Items of Significant Public Interest Not on the Agenda and Within the Jurisdiction of the Zoning Commission. 6. Adjournment PLEASE NOTE : A Zoom link is available. Join the meeting with Zoom ID: 770-316-6528, allowing permission for mic and camera (if using a computer go to https://zoom.us/j/7703166528 ) and use Passcode 4245 . z oning Commission Members: Justin Rooley (Chair), Mike Watson, Russ Schwandt, Anneliese Ripley