The weekend is upon us and well there are a lot of things happening around Southwestern Montana. History days, rodeos, art walks, and concerts. There is a little something for everyone, enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, July 22
1st Annual Dillon Territorial Rodeo Four days of rodeo including PSRA Sr. Pro Rodeos, Open Rodeos, Montana Junior Rough Stock Mini Broncs & Bulls and the Ramblin' Rose Drill Team Performances! The fun starts at 5 pm and the Rodeos at 6 pm. Sr. Pro all four days, Open Rodeo and Mini’s on Friday & Saturday.
KITCHEN CLEANUP Volunteers are needed from 2pm-5pm to clean the kitchen at the Dillon Elks Lodge. Dinner will be provided for the kitchen cleanup crew after 5 p.m.
Please contact the Lodge at 683-5552 to sign up. Thanks
Sheridan Street Bazaar The Sheridan Street Bazaar is held every Thursday in the summer, in fabulous small town-downtown Sheridan, Montana. The Street Bazaar celebrates in conjunction with the Ruby Valley Brew's Cruise-in events. Boasting genuine Montanan summer fun!
Vending Music on Main - Butte We will be hanging out every Thursday at the 5518 booth one block up from the store on main Street. Come get our custom Long Live the M&M design, (100% of proceeds going to M&M rebuild effort) new releases and other goodies while listening to some great music with your buddies.
See you there Butte!
Friday, July 23
Dillon History Days 2nd Annual Dillon History Days "The Changing West" 1900 to 1930 July 23-25, 2021
You are invited to be apart of this fun community event!
If your business or group would like to organize and run an event during any or all of the three days, let us know what and when so we can help promote your activity.
We are also accepting donated items for door prizes and raffles. Cash donations help cover expenses are appreciated as well. Please make check payable to the City of Dillon, memo line DHD.
Sidewalk Sales Craft/Vendors Silent Movie Book Signing Teddy Bear Picnic Live Music Car Show BBQ Cook-Off Community Worship Service
Hosted by City Of Dillon Community Affairs Committee
Teddy Bear Picnic A Teddy Bear Picnic, hosted by Marie Habener, with help from the Girl Scouts will be held in conjunction with Dillon's 2nd annual History Days. This will be a fun event. The first Teddy Bear was created in the early 1900's and named for President Theodore Roosevelt. There will be stories and light Teddy Bear themed refreshments. This program is sponsored by The Bookstore.

Beaverhead Little League State Championships. First game is Friday at 3:30 PM come down to vigilante park and cheer on the Little League Team as they compete to take home the state championships. We will Livestream Fridays game.
Down Town Dillon Art Walk starts at 5 PM list of businesses are as follows:
Birkenbuel Brands
Emporium 406
Southwest Montana News
The Andrus Hotel
Tendoy Fine Arts
The Bookstore
Rattlesnake Creek Alpacas
High Country Glass
The Daily Yarn
Britt's Bake Shop
Atomic 79
Pioneer Furniture
Sweetwater Coffee
The Gallery (NEEDS ARTIST)
Wildwood Floral

VIRGINIA CITY ART SHOW AND QUICK DRAW Welcome to the 45th Annual Virgiinia City Art Show and Quick Draw Event!
Stroll along the boardwalks and enjoy fine art of artists from all over Montana and the Pacific Northwest. Artists will be on the boardwalk and in the Community Center Building on the corner of Idaho & Van Buren Streets on Friday from 10am-6pm, Saturday from 10am-7pm, Sunday from 10am-4pm.
If you're an artist who is interested in being in the art show, please submit photos of your work to This is a juried show. You may download the 2021 application from the website and mail in with your check - you may also send an email with a link to your website for the jurors to review.
Quick Draw event will be happening again this year, Saturday, July 24th at 7pm Elk's Lodge.
Start Time - 10:00 AM End Time - 6:00 AM
2021 TBCA Floating Floatilla starts at 5 PM TBCA and sponsors are back with our fun filled weekend!

1st Annual Dillon Territorial Rodeo Four days of rodeo including PSRA Sr. Pro Rodeos, Open Rodeos, Montana Junior Rough Stock Mini Broncs & Bulls and the Ramblin' Rose Drill Team Performances! The fun starts at 5 pm and the Rodeos at 6 pm. Sr. Pro all four days, Open Rodeo and Mini’s on Friday & Saturday.
Dalton Lemburg Live @ The Den 6 PM Enjoy music on the Patio at the Den with Dalton Lemburg!
Dusk at disco! Come down for some music!! Sam Platts and the Plainsmen.
Forager's Dilemma This talk will cover plant identification techniques to help beginners and experts alike to distinguish between different plant species. We will discuss habitat and foraging ethics. Whether it’s foraging with a gun or a basket, we will cover meat, vegetables, fruits and berries as well as mushroom foraging. Wild edible plants can be a get way to augment your dietary intake with free range organic delicacy. Some of these treats are not found in most grocery stores, and the ones that can be are often healthier than store bought varieties.
This is the ninth presentation in Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park’s annual Friday Summer Speakers Series, which introduces a new speaker each Friday at 8 p.m. throughout the summer.
About the speaker: Sam Zeller was born in Helena Montana and went to the University of Montana for parks, tourism and recreation management. He is a tour guide at Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park. Sam enjoys exploring and eating his way through our plants beautiful habitats.
Levi Blom In Concert Live music in front of Macs Last Cast from 9 PM to Midnight.

Saturday, July 24
Dillon History Days 2nd Annual Dillon History Days "The Changing West" 1900 to 1930 July 23-25, 2021
You are invited to be apart of this fun community event!
If your business or group would like to organize and run an event during any or all of the three days, let us know what and when so we can help promote your activity.
We are also accepting donated items for door prizes and raffles. Cash donations help cover expenses are appreciated as well. Please make check payable to the City of Dillon, memo line DHD.
Sidewalk Sales Craft/Vendors Silent Movie Book Signing Teddy Bear Picnic Live Music Car Show BBQ Cook-Off Community Worship Service
Hosted by City Of Dillon Community Affairs Committee
Dillon History days car show Bring your vintage cars, trucks and motorcycles out and join us for a car show Saturday July 24th, registration starts at 10am in the Wells Fargo parking lot across the street from 20 N. Montana st. Contact Stacy at the city of Dillon 1-406-683-4245 or John at 1-406-683-3681 (these are day numbers)
Montana Murders -- Brian D'Ambrosio Book Signing 11 AM Author's Brian D'Ambrosio and Steve Morehouse will be featured at the Bookstore during Dillon's 2nd Annual History days. Brian will be signing copies of his books, Montana Murders, Warrior in the Ring, Montana Entertainers and Shot in Montana. Steve will be signing copies of his book, Images of America Beaverhead County. He will also be doing a Lewis and Clark living history presentation throughout the day.
Dan Henry at The Bale of Hay Saloon Dan Henry takes the stage at the Bale of Hay Saloon in Historic Virginia City, Montana July 24th from 4-8pm. Hit the open road and make your way to this small town with a whole lot of fun times and memories to offer. Eat some good food, stop at the candy store, then settle in at the Bale of Hay Saloon for a few ice cold beer and the live music of Dan Henry and his One Man Band

Summer Street Party Starts at 5 PM Music - Food - Cornhole Tournament
Come have some fun and enjoy the great weather with us!!
Street Dance in front of the Elks Lodge to celebrate Dillon History Days.
Four days of rodeo including PSRA Sr. Pro Rodeos, Open Rodeos, Montana Junior Rough Stock Mini Broncs & Bulls and the Ramblin' Rose Drill Team Performances! The fun starts at 5 pm and the Rodeos at 6 pm. Sr. Pro all four days, Open Rodeo, and Mini’s on Friday & Saturday.
The Benny Reynolds Memorial Buckle will be presented to the High Point Cowgirl and Cowboy for the five Sr. Pro Rodeos.
Participation in these five rodeos qualifies contestants for the PSRA National Finals in October!
PSRA Entry Fees: $50.00 plus PSRA charge of $23.00. PSRA CARD REQUIRED prior to entry. Or you can enter three rodeo's on a permit of $25 per day. Contact Angela Bowden - PSRA Secretary for Membership Information. (208) 296-0985
PSRA Entries open July 6th & July 7th PSRA Central Entry: Jessica Miller phone 801-380-4565 Online entry link: Secretary: Lacie DeMers 406-490-7767 See Guidelines for late entries and membership requirements.
Open Rodeo Entry Fees: $65.00 (30% Stock Charge) NO CARD REQUIRED. Entries will be on: July 6th & July 7th OPEN Central Entry: Call Lacie DeMers 406-490-7767 Call Backs: July 8th, 2021 4 PM - 8 PM
Slack will be held at 11 am, if needed, on the 23rd and 24th.
Jr Rough Stock Entries: Contact Lacie DeMers 406-490-7767
Flamingo Racers - Nightly prizes & Trophy Buckle to Overall Champion $30 entry fee. Call the Chamber to enter at 406-683-5511.
ADDED MONEY 7/23 & 7/24 only.
PSRA Bareback, Bull Riding, Saddle Bronc & Steer Wrestling - $100.00 each event plus $50.00 per each contestant (max $300/event). Open is $100.00 Added, No ground money.
Tie Down (Open, 40-50, 50-60, 60+, 68+) $50.00 each division
Team Roping (Open, 40-50, 50-60, 60+) $100.00 each division
Ribbon Roping (40-50, 50-60, 60+) $100.00 per age group
Ladies Barrels (Open, 40-50, 50-60, 60+, 68+) $50.00 each age group
PSRA Ladies Breakaway $50.00 Open Ladies Breakaway $50.00
PSRA Mens Breakaway $50.00
Ladies Rodeo Triathlon $50
Buddy Barrel Pickup $50
Flamingo Race - Nightly prizes & Trophy Buckle to Overall Champion $30 entry fee. Call the Chamber to enter at 406-683-5511.

Sunday, July 25
Josh Scott AZ @ The Bale of Hay Saloon Starts at 7 PM Country music by Josh Scott AZ
Dillon History Days 2nd Annual Dillon History Days "The Changing West" 1900 to 1930 July 23-25, 2021
You are invited to be apart of this fun community event!
If your business or group would like to organize and run an event during any or all of the three days, let us know what and when so we can help promote your activity.
We are also accepting donated items for door prizes and raffles. Cash donations help cover expenses are appreciated as well. Please make check payable to the City of Dillon, memo line DHD.
Sidewalk Sales Craft/Vendors Silent Movie Book Signing Teddy Bear Picnic Live Music Car Show BBQ Cook-Off Community Worship Service
Hosted by City Of Dillon Community Affairs Committee
