Please join us for the 17th Annual Montana Western Research Symposium to be held on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20, 2024, in the Swysgood Technology Center Great Room on the UMW campus.

Organized and funded by the Montana Western Biology Club, the goal of the symposium is to highlight undergraduate research, theses, internships, projects, and other scholarly and artistic work by undergraduates from all academic disciplines and to share examples of authentic experiential learning.
Attendance is free and open to everyone from the campus and local communities. The program will include oral presentation sessions starting late Friday afternoon, a keynote speaker and a poster session/dinner. Saturday will consist of poster and oral sessions and will conclude in the mid-afternoon. The full symposium schedule will be posted on the University of Montana Western Facebook page closer to the event.

Guest speaker, Dr. Michelle Osborn, will present “Form, Function, & Failure: Using Whole Body Modelling to Re-examine the Horse” on Friday, April 19. Dr. Osborn is an Associate Professor in the Department of Comparative and Biomedical Sciences at the Louisiana State University School for Veterinary Medicine.
For more information about the symposium, please contact Montana Western Professor of Biology, Dr. Michael Morrow: or 406-683-7254.
