DVFD responded to Seven calls for service during the month of September 2023.
09-10 Bannack Park Fire Alarm
09-14 N Montana Hazardous Condition/Electrical
09-15 Sweetwater Rd Gas Odor
09-18 Pioneer Dr MVA
09-19 Nevada/Glendale MVA
09-20 StoddardLn Crop Fire
09-30 Skihi Gas Odor
Dillon Fire Department hosted their annual Pancake Breakfast on Labor Day, and we served nearly 1,000 people. It was a great time with members of our community. We had several members that completed Fundamentals of Fire Suppression training, the Highschool Homecoming bonfire, Homecoming Parade, the department provided hose / attachments for the YMCA to fill the pool, a few members assisted the Dillon Jaycees at the Rodeo, we had two members and an engine at the Fall Family Resource Fair, Chief attended the Beyond Hoses & Helmets Leadership Training, completed the ICS-700 and 800, the Beaverhead County Resilience Meeting, and the department provided a Live Fire Vehicle Training. Thank you for your continued support of the Dillon Volunteer Fire Department. We had MYC cadets assist with hose laying, and cleaning at the firehall as well as some apparatus.