NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a mail ballot election will be held on May 2, 2023 for the BEAVERHEAD COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 7 AND 10 TRUSTEES ALONG WITH DILLON SCHOOL DISTRICT 10 TRUSTEES. Ballots shall be mailed to all active registered voters in BEAVERHEAD COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICTS 7 & 10 and DILLON SCHOOL DISTRICT 10 on Friday, April 14, 2023.
Ballots will be automatically mailed to Active Electors only. If you are a registered voter and do not receive a ballot, contact the county election office to update your information as necessary and receive a ballot.
If you missed the regular registration deadline, you may still register for the election by showing up at the county election office up until 8pm on Election Day, May 2, 2023
Persons who wish to register and who are not presently registered may do so by requesting a form for registration by mail or by appearing at the county election office. If you have moved, please update your registration information by filling out a new voter registration card and submitting it to the county election office at 2 South Pacific Street, Dillon, Montana.
Dated April 3, 2023
Stacey Reynolds
Election Administrator
Beaverhead County