The Montana Department of Transportation is making roadway and bridge improvements as part of four construction projects on Highway 43 between the Chief Joseph Pass and Wise River. Construction is anticipated to begin in April and be completed in the fall 2021.
About The Projects
Trail Creek Bridges Improvements
The Trail Creek Bridges Project is replacing two bridges over Trail Creek near the May Creek Campground and a pipe culvert at Canyon Creek. Construction is anticipated to begin in April 2021 and be completed in the Fall 2021.
The Trail Creek bridges were built in 1961and have neared the end of their lifetime and need to be replaced. Although they are still safe for travel, rehabilitation and maintenance is no longer practical due to deterioration. The culvert at Canyon Creek is too small, causing heavy spring runoff to overflow onto the highway. Improvements include:
Removing and replacing the existing bridges with a slightly wider design.
Removing the piers from the stream to allow more water to flow through and restore Trail Creek to a more natural flow.
Upgrading the bridge railings.
Resurfacing the roadway with new pavement on each end of the bridges.
Upgrading the approach railings on each end of the bridges.
Trail Creek Bridge
Wisdom West Improvements
The Wisdom West Project is improving Highway 43 between the Bitterroot Big Hole Road and Wisdom. Construction is anticipated to begin in April 2021 and be completed in the Fall 2021. Improvements include:
Resurfacing 19 miles of pavement and upgrading guardrails.
Repairing the bridge deck and upgrading the bridge railing over the Big Hole River Bridge west of Wisdom.
Repairing deteriorated pavement on both ends of the Ruby Creek Bridge near the Big Hole National Battlefield.
Upgrading pullout surfaces and improving drainage.
Chip sealing the pavement surface.
Adding new pavement markings (painting/striping) and signs.
Wisdom North Improvements
The Wisdom North Project is improving Highway 43 between Wisdom and the Big Hole River Bridge (County Line Bridge). Construction is anticipated to begin in June 2021 and be completed in the Fall 2021. Improvements include:
Resurfacing 16 miles of asphalt pavement.
Chip sealing the pavement surface.
Adding centerline rumble strips, new pavement markings (painting/striping) and signs.
Wise River Northwest Improvements
The Wise River Northwest Project is preserving and extending the life of Highway 43 between the Sportsman Campground and Wise River. Construction is anticipated to begin in June 2021 and be completed in the Fall 2021. Improvements include:
Chip sealing approximately 14 miles of pavement.
Upgrading guardrails.
Adding new pavement markings (painting/striping).