HELENA – Nearly 400 students will compete in the state archery tournament at the Lewis and Clark County Fairgrounds in Helena, March 18 and 19. The students represent more than 20 elementary, middle and high schools from around the state.
The tournament, which is hosted by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, is part of the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP). The competitors are only a fraction of the 10,000 Montana students in grades 4 through 12 who participated in Montana’s Archery in the Schools Program last year.
“NASP has spread to all corners of Montana,” said Ryan Schmaltz, FWP’s NASP coordinator. “It’s a great way for schools that are so different to come together and connect on the outdoors and Montana’s fish and wildlife.”

NASP offers safe, in-school archery curriculum and provides benefits such as improving student focus and academic discipline, building self-confidence and increasing the likelihood that students pursue archery and other similar sports as adults.
“When teachers help kids shoot straight in this sport, they are helping them shoot straight in other areas of their lives, too,” Schmaltz said.
FWP provides basic archery instructor trainings and cost-shares for equipment for teachers interested in starting NASP at their schools.
To learn more about starting, or joining, NASP at your school, contact Schmaltz at 406-444-9946 or RSchmaltz@mt.gov
