DVFD responded to 20 calls for service during the month of January 2024.
01-05 Adams Ln Grass Fire
01-07 N Pacific Ambulance Assist
01-07 Lovers Leap Vehicle Accident
01-10 Adams Ln Grass Fire
01-12 Pioneer Dr Gas Odor
01-15 S Pacific Chimney Fire
01-17 N Walnut Fire Alarm
01-17 N Walnut Fire Alarm
01-18 N Walnut Fire Alarm
01-18 Skihi St Assist/Water Pipe
01-18 N Montana Fire Alarm
01-18 N Walnut Fire Alarm
01-18 S Dakota Chimney Fire
01-18 N Hwy 91 Structure Fire
01-19 Selway Gas Odor
01-19 N Idaho Fire Alarm
01-20 Kentucky Ave Smoke Alarm
01-21 Browns Bridge Dumpster Fire
01-26 Hwy 41 N MVA
01-31 N Washington St Vehicle Smoking
During our monthly training night, we concentrated on communications & radio usage.
Our drill night was spent learning about fire behavior & oxygen limited fires. We had a
structure that the interior had caught fire & ran out of oxygen(extinguishing the fire)
without anyone knowing about it until the residents returned home after work in the
afternoon. Thank you for your continued support of the Dillon Volunteer Fire
be safe & take extra time while traveling this time of year as the road
conditions can become dangerous without warning.