From Mrs. Gentry
Good evening- here is a quick update on our day at the Southwest Montana Academic tournament.
Thank you to Tami for driving us safely! We really appreciate all our bus drivers for your dedication, which allows us to participate in great opportunities like we had today!
Team C of: Darrell Lewis, Evelyn Tolman, Lilla Guiberson, and Greer Morstein, competed 1 player short but with a lot of heart. They faced the Sweetgrass team that went on to take 3rd. They are gaining confidence to 'trust their gut' and buzz in when they think they have the correct answer.
The B team of: Daria Adkins, Clara Nittinger, Aven Pfleiger, Amelia Warren, and Abbi Eason found themselves to be very strong in similar areas and that made for advantages on certain questions, but disadvantages on others. They had a mixture of wins and losses, but were classy through it all.
Our A team of: Izzy Regan, Brekken Venn, Hunter Wigen, Athan Graham, and Ean Field were a force to reckoned with and came out with a championship for the 2nd year in a row! Others teams, coaches, parents and scorers were quite impressed with their display of knowledge!
BCHS will have our name engraved on the travelling trophy for the 4th time since 2021!!
In the written competition (a 100 question Multiple Choice test) our students performed with the following results:
Hunter Wigen - tied for top score out of all 141 students who took the test and 1st for juniors taking the test!
Izzy Regan - tied for 2nd top score overall and took 2nd out of the juniors that took the test!
Daria Adkins- top 16th score overall and 6th for all sophomores!
Ean Field - top 10th score overall and 1st place for all Freshman who took the test!
Abbi Eason- top 17th score overall and 4th place for all Freshman!
Greer Morstein- top 18th score overall and 5th place for all Freshman!
Also, in the top 20 scores for all grade levels were: Clara Nittinger, Brekken Venn and Lilla Guiberson!
As always, I was very proud of our students and how well they represented BCHS in performance, sportsmanship and character! Thank you for your investments in these awesome young people! Janet Gentry

P.S. Special thanks to Brekken and Abbi for helping me haul heavy items around all day, and for all the kids for being so thoughtful and kind to their coach who had some sore ribs due to the fact that she's better at math than snowmobiling! We really do have the best kids!!!!
