City Council Chambers
October 18, 2021
12:00 PM

1. Call to Order
2. Elect Officers
3. Review ARPA Guidelines
4. Public Comment On Items Of Significant Public Interest Not On The Agenda And Within The Jurisdiction Of The City
5. Adjournment
Committee Members:
Russ Schwandt
John McGinley
John Garry
Lindsay Buhr
Geri Godecke
PLEASE NOTE: The City of Dillon understands that citizens have the right under the Montana Constitution to observe and participate in local governmental affairs by personally attending all public meetings of the Dillon City Council and other City boards and committees. This meeting is open to the public as normal (pre-virus). Any who would like to physically attend, are asked to please wear a face covering and practice 6-ft social distancing at the meeting. For those who are cautious about physically attending, a Zoom link is available. Join the meeting with Zoom ID: 770-316-6528, allowing permission for mic and camera (if using a computer go to and use Passcode 4245. Please mute your mic until you desire to comment. Any problems or questions, call City Hall at 683-4245.
Thank you, Michael L. Klakken, Mayor
